
Showing posts from October, 2017

Historic firsts

Historic firsts in whey protein, glutathione, and the immune system 2008: Gustavo Bounous, Wulf Dröge and colleagues were the first to show in a placebo controlled clinical trial the health benefits of an undenatured whey protein isolate in cancer patients. Antiox. & Redox Signaling. 2008. Feb;10:395-402.  PMID: 18158761 Cysteine-Rich Protein Reverses Weight Loss in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy Tozer RG, Tai P, Falconer W, Ducruet T, Karabadjian A, Bounous G, Molson JH, Dröge W. "The patients treated with the cysteine-rich protein had a mean increase of 2.5% body weight, whereas casein-treated patients lost 2.6%." 1998: Wulf Dröge and colleagues were the first to discover the age-related decrease in the plasma concentration of cysteine, the limiting precursor of glutathione. Blood. 1998 July; 92:59-67.  Pubmed PMID: 9639500 The Redox State as a Correlate of Senescence and Wasting and as a Target for Therapeutic Intervention H

Xtra Sharp for energy

Xtra Sharp is an exclusive blend of herbs and minerals to support and improve general well-being, energy and vitality. You literally can feel it working in minutes! Medicinal ingredients: Each 30 mL contains: Potassium (citrate, glycerophosphate)   778.8 mg Iron (glycerophosphate) 2.7 mg Iodine (potassium iodide)       0.045 mg Magnesium (glycerophosphate)    25.2 mg Calcium (glycerophosphate)      61.26 mg Guarana (Paullinia cupana H.B.K.) [Seed] [36% Caffeine] 463 mg Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) [Root] [Extract 4:1, Dried equivalent 7.6 mg]        1.9 mg Sarsaparilla (Smilax aristoloch M.) [Root] [Extract 4:1, Dried equivalent 7.6 mg]       1.9 mg Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) [Root] [Extract 3:1, Dried equivalent 4.2 mg]  1.4 mg Gentian (Gentiana lutea L.) [Root] [Extract 2:1, Dried equivalent 1.8 mg]       0.9 mg Milk thistle (Silybum Marianum L.) [Seed]       0.5 mg Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) [Root] [Extract 3:1, Dried equivalent 4.2 mg]  1.4 mg Horehound (Marrubi

Proud to sponsor.

Immunotec is an official sponsor of  Rowing Canada Aviron Achievements Canada's most successful Summer Olympic Sport 2 Silver Medals at London 2012 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals at Beijing 2008, placing 3 rd overall 2 Silver, 1 Bronze Medals at 2013 World Rowing Championships 3 Silver, 2 Bronze Medals at 2011 World Rowing Championships 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze Medals at 2010 World Rowing Championships, placing 5 th  overall 3 Silver and 5 Bronze Medals at XVI Pan American Games, placing 5 th  overall "Optimizing recovery, performance and wellness in our athletes is crucial to their ability to achieve international success and Immunotec's supplements play an important role towards this objective for many of our high performance athletes." – Susan Boegman, Nutritionist, Rowing Canada Aviron "Rowing Canada Aviron is very pleased to collaborate with Immunotec in the provision of products in support of our National Rowing Program. Opti

Immunocal – Things you didn’t know!

Dr. Jimmy Gutman  World leader in research Immunocal – Things you didn’t know! Bet this information will surprise you! Ask anyone in the know, how Immunocal works, and most likely the answer will be “Because it raises glutathione”. Quite true, and this has been the basis of dozens of published clinical studies. Immunocal’s ability to provide the building blocks for your body to make glutathione has been the key to our overwhelming importance. However, there are many other reasons why Immunocal is such a powerful product. 1) The nutritional value of the protein in Immunocal is beyond any other protein. Several tools are used to measure the importance of proteins in our diet. These include BV (Biological Value), PER (Protein Efficiency Ratio), PD (Protein Digestibility), PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Amino Acid Score). Just look at how Immunocal fares when looking at BV (insert graph below). 2) Immunocal is a rich source of BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids). Re

Awesome call

We had an awesome call last night with some great speakers. Here is the video link Immunotec . Well worth the time to listen. Would appreciate some feed back as to what you all think. Immunotec has also released the following research. Some research published recently - underpinning our brain platform  A Cystine-Rich Whey Supplement (Immunocal®) Provides Neuroprotection from Diverse Oxidative Stress-Inducing Agents In Vitro by Preserving Cellular Glutathione. Winter AN, et al. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017. Show full citation Abstract Oxidative stress is a principal mechanism underlying the pathophysiology of neurodegeneration. Therefore, nutritional enhancement of endogenous antioxidant defenses may represent a viable treatment option. We investigated the neuroprotective properties of a unique whey protein supplement (Immunocal®) that provides an essential precursor (cystine) for synthesis of the endogenous antioxidant, glutathione (GSH). Primary cultures of rat cerebella


So i have just finished a call in regards to #immunocal . They have issues but still refuse to believe there a natural product that can help them. I understand being skeptical but to be so utterly closed minded is frustrating. You show them research papers from to universities around the world. They still refuse to see what can help them.    I am curious when people are going to be interested in actually helping themselves.   Just to finish this little rant why do people put 100% faith in doctors. They are needed but are also behind on research. Immunocal is the same as eating an apple. Do you need to talk to your doctor before eating an apple? Hope everyone is having an Awesome day 

Calcium Q and A

Q and A What is the major difference between Immunotec's Calcium From Milk and other calcium products on the market? Our product is a milk mineral complex which in addition to calcium, contains: •       Vitamin D •       Phosphorus •       Magnesium •       Potassium •       Zinc •       Copper •       Iron All of these play essential roles in bone health and metabolism. Most commercial calcium products on the market are usually just calcium. Occasionally you may find products that have added additional magnesium or even vitamin D. What is the major difference between the calcium in Immunotec's Calcium From Milk and other calcium products on the market? Our calcium comes from natures first source of calcium for humans - milk. Milk calcium is what we were designed to absorb and utilize. Most commercial calcium products on the market are derived from mining a rock called dolomite or calcium carbonate. Others "natural" calcium products may come from oyster

NPN and what you need to know.

About Natural Health Product Regulation in Canada To be legally sold in Canada, all natural health products must have a product licence, and the Canadian sites that manufacture, package, label and import these products must have site licences. To get product and site licences, specific labelling and packaging requirements must be met, good manufacturing practices must be followed, and proper safety and efficacy evidence must be provided. Product licensing All natural health products must have a product licence before they can be sold in Canada. To get a licence, applicants must give detailed information about the product to Health Canada, including: medicinal ingredients, source, dose, potency, non-medicinal ingredients and recommended use(s). Once Health Canada has assessed a product and decided it is safe, effective and of high quality, it issues a product licence along with an eight-digit Natural Product Number (NPN) or Homeopathic Medicine Number (DIN-HM), whic

Great Migraine Testimonial

By franktone—May 11, 2015   OK I have had  migraines  all of my life and they are still waiting in the background for me to make a mistake. For me the big  triggers  are, in order from the worst: black pepper, butter, strawberries, alcohol, melon, sugar which always sets you up for your next attack, whipped cream, turkey, red meat, flowers. There’s more but those are at the top of the list. Water is a big problem. There is only one kind of drink now and that is Walmart spring water in the large jugs, which is excellent. All other water sources or drinks will lead to a migraine. I long ago abandoned drinking distilled water but that was the best I could do at the time. Now Walmart water is all I drink ever. For breakfast I eat 2 large bowls of cooked organic oat meal and with nothing on it. Use a wooden spoon in the oat meal and it will taste better. That is an incredible way to set you up for a positive day. For lunch I eat raw romaine lettuce with nothing on it. Supper is eithe

Crohns Testimonial

Crohns good bye, hello Immunocal by Angela (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) Hi, My name is Angela. I was a lady with crohns taking 43 capsules of prescription medication which constantly made me sick and tired.In February of 2008, my mom gave me a box containing 30 little packages of stuff called Immunocal. She told me how to mix it and at the end of the monthI did feel better. I asked my Mom how much it costs and she told me it was $2.50 per day. I made the decision that I couldn't afford this. Mom accepted my decision. Two days later I was back feeling sick and tired. I was on the phone asking Mom if she had any packages of that Immunocal. I could not believe the positive affect this product had on my wellness and was controlling the pain suffered with crohns. I have been off prescription medication for two years. I fired my original crohns doctors who was pushing the 43 capsules of prescription medication, had set up injections of another Test Drug that cost the medical system

My rant

This is my rant for the day. I have just watched Justin Trudeau's speech on the passing of a great icon in the music industry  Gord Downie. Mr Downie is a great musician and Canadian that will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Back to the speech that was in my opinion WAY!! over the top. Where were the tears for the Canadians that lost their lives in Vegas? Or the thousands of victims of the FT McMurray fires? There are many other tragedies that are happening that he seems to be cold towards.   Let us get our priorities straight in this country!!!  Where does one life become more important then another!!! 

Immunocal – Things you didn’t know!

Immunocal – Things you didn’t know! Bet this information will surprise you! Ask anyone in the know, how Immunocal works, and most likely the answer will be “Because it raises glutathione”. Quite true, and this has been the basis of dozens of published clinical studies. Immunocal’s ability to provide the building blocks for your body to make glutathione has been the key to our overwhelming importance. However, there are many other reasons why Immunocal is such a powerful product. 1) The nutritional value of the protein in Immunocal is beyond any other protein. Several tools are used to measure the importance of proteins in our diet. These include BV (Biological Value), PER (Protein Efficiency Ratio), PD (Protein Digestibility), PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Amino Acid Score). Just look at how Immunocal fares when looking at BV (insert graph below). 2) Immunocal is a rich source of BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids). Readers who are in to muscle development will recognize this term

We all have that one friend

We all have that one friend lol

Did you know?

Did you know? Immunocal is a specially formulated protein derived from whey. It contains glutathione building blocks. How does Immunocal work? The immune system is incredibly complex, but a major cornerstone relies on its ability to obtain a molecule called glutathione. Glutathione exists in every cell of your body and is essential for life and critical for health. This molecule is constantly being used up in dozens of your body's functions and is difficult to replace. Glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant, its chief detoxification enzyme and is literally food for the immune system. Immunocal is a natural source of the glutathione precursor cysteine for the maintenance of a strong immune system. Many natural products are available that claim to help your immune system, but very few have undergone the rigorous testing and published human trials that Immunotec has accomplished over the years. Over forty published scientific and medical articles attest to its remarkable c


As i sit here and reflect on the last year and the challenges i have overcome with my health. I started with Immunotec a year ago because of Arthritis issues. Over the last year the pain has ended and i have started living again. Through that time I have witnessed several people overcome their own health challenges. It is because of the Immunotec products and the science and care taken to produce them that we have started living again. This is also for those that want to maintain their health. if you would like to be your own success story contact me today or go to Lonestar health for more information