Testimonial !!!
Ken Curvin recovers from COPD, final stages diagnosis I received a text from my sister-in-law at Easter, 2015 that my brother was being sent home from hospital in last stages of COPD and that there was nothing further they could do for him … her message said he won’t die today, or tomorrow but soon! Knowing that the Physician’s Desk Reference in U.S. states that Immunocal can help reverse COPD, and knowing how Immunocal had saved my life in so many ways, I headed up to the hospital to convince them he could be saved. My brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his 20s and smoked all of his life. So between the smoking and many medications his system really needed detoxing, which is another benefit of Immunocal. Also his glutathione levels were at an all-time low because he had just gone through many procedures for extreme heart problems. It took some convincing to get him to 6 packages (3 regular and 3 platinum), but once we did he started to stay awake...