Testimonial !!!

Ken Curvin recovers from COPD, final stages diagnosis

I received a text from my sister-in-law at Easter, 2015 that my brother was being sent home from hospital in last stages of COPD and that there was nothing further they could do for him … her message said he won’t die today, or tomorrow but soon!

Knowing that the Physician’s Desk Reference in U.S. states that Immunocal can help reverse COPD, and knowing how Immunocal had saved my life in so many ways, I headed up to the hospital to convince them he could be saved.

My brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his 20s and smoked all of his life.  So between the smoking and many medications his system really needed detoxing, which is another benefit of Immunocal.    Also his glutathione levels were at an all-time low because he had just gone through many procedures for extreme heart problems.

It took some convincing to get him to 6 packages (3 regular and 3 platinum), but once we did he started to stay awake more, his eyes cleared, he could walk a bit more without panicking that he could not breath.  He continued to improve, turning down his oxygen level and then going for short periods without oxygen at all.   After about 4 weeks or so on 6 packages, he could walk up stairs and felt like helping with small chores.   Hospice no longer visited, the nurses only came once a week and after about 3 weeks when he visited his doctor he walked in as opposed to needing a wheelchair.   His colour is great. He goes more and more without oxygen and even his personality is improving.   Many of his schizophrenic tendencies are fading, as Immunocal also helps with bi-polar, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s, etc.

I am so happy to be getting my brother back to health – thank God and Dr. Bounous for Immunocal.
Connie McCracken  705.743.6040

P.S.    Saw him the other day and he said, “Today I feel like I don’t have any breathing problems, and you know, my head is doing better as well.”   As he often has negative thoughts, what a joy to hear out of the blue, that he felt he was improving in so many ways.  Also he had lost too much weight and because Immunocal reverses wasting, he has now put on 20 lbs, which makes him look healthier and younger each day!

P.S.  Half a year now since Ken started Immunocal and instead of being in and out of emergency, Ken has not had to return in 14 months!   Also, as Immunotec is studying to prove now, his schizophrenia symptoms are improving.   He has a friend he visits now and he actually sat thru and was interested in watching the Blue Jay’s in baseball finals.   A text from my sister-in-law showed the excitement that he was focused and interested in something for that long!    Pretty happy news!

As of February. 2016 , now not only hospice has discontinued to visit Ken, but nurses have also said they won’t be visiting anymore, which means he has been stable for so long, they feel they are no longer needed.  Also his heart specialist says his heart is doing well and didn’t even need to have him back for a year.

Note:   Ken’s wife Deborah also had heart problems that they said would get worse, but she is also taking Immunocal and now her heart specialist said he doesn’t need to see her for another couple of years.   She also says she no longer gets colds and flu’s like before and as she also is diabetic, Immunocal helps with that as well.   So she is very happy to have her husband and also her health improving!!!
Visit Lonestar health today. Send me an email their with questions 


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